Do you have an event you need to go to in the weekend? Or will you be having a high school reunion and you’ve been wanting to lose a little before that day but you just forgot about it and you only remembered now that there’s only a week left? Is it your wedding next week and you because of all stress and preparations you gained weight instead of lost it? Now you can’t fit into that dress or tux?
So, what now? Never fret because there is a solution. Introducing the General Motors Diet, more commonly known as the GM Diet.
What is GM Diet?
General Motors Diet has been around since 1985. It was developed by the General Motors Company along with the FDA with the goal of increasing productivity among employees by making them healthier. The employees lost 10 – 17 pounds, and were more efficient and productive.
How does it work?
The GM Diet is a 7-day plan wherein meals are set for every day according to its purpose. The diet is focused on consuming fat burning food that won’t make you hungry.
Note to self: The effectiveness of this diet depends on your body, so it’s best to consult your doctor or nutritionist before starting.
The Meal Plan:
DAY 1: All fruit.
On the first day, you are to consume only fruits. Watermelons and cantaloupes are fruits most recommended because of high fiber – which keeps you full for longer, and they are also low in fat.
DAY 2: All vegetables.
You can cook it or eat it raw but never fry – it defeats the purpose. The vegetables sustain your body after eating fruits in the first day. In eating vegetables, you are replenished and get a good amount of carbohydrates and essential vitamins.
DAY 3: Fruits and vegetables.
Eat the same fruits and vegetables you consumed during Days 1 and 2, but do not eat bananas and potatoes. Mixing these two can make balance out what you ate on the first two days.
DAY 4: Milk and banana.
In this day you will eat only banana and drink milk and water. To be specific, 8 bananas and four glasses of milk. Bananas are a good source of pectin which aids in digestion, while milk is a good source of calcium and potassium.
DAY 5: Beef/Chicken/Fish and tomato.
This is famously known as the feast day, because you get to eat a more decent meal. For vegetarians you can replace the protein source with brown rice. Brown rice is high in fiber; Beef/Chicken/Tomato are good protein; Tomatoes are also high in fiber and aid digestion.
DAY 6: Rice and vegetables.
You eat any amount of vegetable, non-vegetarians can replace brown rice with lean protein like chicken. This meal provides fiber and nutrients.
DAY 7: Brown Rice, vegetables, fruit juices
Note that you could only eat a cup of brown rice. Fruit juices will replenish and clean our body from toxins, and the vegetable and rice will give additional energy. – MORE HERE
The Results
If you’ve made it this far and followed every step, go ahead and give yourself a tap on the shoulder. Well done!
The results section will be coming from you and we’d be thrilled to hear it! Inspire others! Talk to us!